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Forms Generation and Validation classBy: Manuel Lemos, January 2007
Veja esta palestra em Português do Brasil
00:00:00 Manuel Lemos presentation (00:00:28)
00:00:28 Talk introduction (00:00:13)
00:00:41 Talk license (00:00:38)
00:01:19 What is this Forms class? (00:04:21)
00:05:40 Class development history (00:10:01)
00:15:41 Plug-in release history (00:00:31)
00:16:12 How should it be used? (00:03:41)
00:19:53 Example of usage (00:02:10)
00:22:03 Template sample (00:01:07)
00:23:10 API (00:00:42)
00:23:52 API: Form definition (00:02:28)
00:26:20 API: Form presentation (00:03:11)
00:29:31 API: Form processing (00:03:10)
00:32:41 Form input definitions (00:02:18)
00:34:59 Filtering the input values (00:04:25)
00:39:24 Validating the input values (00:06:27)
00:45:51 Predefined validation types (00:05:57)
00:51:48 Form presentation using templates (00:04:36)
00:56:24 Example form in action (00:15:31)
01:11:55 Example form script (00:12:18)
01:24:13 Plug-ins (00:02:35)
01:26:48 Plug-in: Calendar date (00:03:30)
01:30:18 Calendar date plug-in example (00:02:32)
01:32:50 Calendar date example script (00:04:09)
01:36:59 Plug-in: Human user validation using CAPTCHA (00:03:49)
01:40:48 CAPTCHA plug-in example (00:03:52)
01:44:40 CAPTCHA example script (00:07:01)
01:51:41 Plug-in: Pick a map location (00:03:07)
01:54:48 Map plug-in example (00:02:31)
01:57:19 Map example script (00:07:25)
02:04:44 Plug-in: Automatic vertical layout (00:02:20)
02:07:04 Automatic layout plug-in example (00:01:28)
02:08:32 Automatic layout example script (00:08:30)
02:17:02 Plug-in: Animation visual effects (00:02:09)
02:19:11 Animation plug-in example (00:02:19)
02:21:30 Animation example script (00:07:08)
02:28:38 Plug-in: Submit a form using AJAX (00:06:59)
02:35:37 COMET: AJAX using IFRAME (00:02:27)
02:38:04 AJAX plug-in example (00:01:37)
02:39:41 AJAX example script (00:19:40)
02:59:21 Plug-in: Linked select inputs (00:02:51)
03:02:12 Linked select plug-in example (00:01:52)
03:04:04 Linked select example script (00:07:38)
03:11:42 Plug-in: Auto-complete text (00:03:04)
03:14:46 Auto-complete plug-in example (00:02:35)
03:17:21 Auto-complete example script (00:11:08)
03:28:29 AJAX based search form (00:06:17)
03:34:46 Plug-in: Upload progress meter (00:02:49)
03:37:35 Upload progress meter plug-in example (00:02:03)
03:39:38 Upload progress meter example script (00:10:32)
03:50:10 3rd party plug-ins (00:04:08)
03:54:18 Future plans (00:05:32)
03:59:50 Contribution Opportunities (00:03:47)
04:03:37 The End: Questions? (00:00:30)
04:04:07 References (00:02:50)