Metastorage presentation in Belém, Brazil
Manuel Lemos, 2005-04-18 14:00:00 GMT
On April 18, Manuel Lemos gave a talk about Metastorage upon invitation
of the local Linux users group Grupo Linux Pai D´Égua and the SUCESU
organization, as part the free software event IV Fórum
Paraense de Software Livre. This event took place in the city of
Belém, Pará state, Brazil.
The talk
was given in Portuguese and had as original title "Acelerando o
desenvolvimento de aplicações com banco de dados em PHP": accelerating the
development of PHP database applications.
The presentation took 50 minutes and provided an overview of Metastorage,
what motivated its development, the benefits provided by this tool in
terms of productivity gains, how it works and future
The audience
attended with great interest demonstrated by the many questions that were
posed during 10 minutes after the end of this talk, asking for more
details about Metastorage.
The slides of the presentation are
available to the public in the PDF format. |